Maximizing Employee Engagement - Week 4
Here is the fourth installment of our six blogs outlining key steps to maximize employee engagement - with the help of one of our clients Chris Elphick, Director of Pacific.

Tip 4 - Reward staff who work well
Rewards are an important way of keeping your staff engaged and boosting morale. The simplest – and cheapest – reward is a heartfelt thank you. Always thank your staff when they do a good job, or go the extra mile.
You can also offer more tangible rewards. These include:
monetary rewards or bonuses
time off
tickets to an event or a movie
free meals
staff get-togethers
get-togethers involving staff and their families
education for children
books, DVDs
How long has it been since you shouted morning tea for your staff, or taken them out for a drink after work to thank them for a job well done?
Be sure to check in for next week's tip, where we talk about the importance of staff training.